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HBZ 4th Annual Diversity Scholarship

Sep 23, 2024
HBZ Marketing

Hartog, Baer and Zabronsky (HBZ) is pleased to announce their 4th annual Diversity Scholarship. The scholarship is a one-time award of $5,000. The scholarship will be given to a law student from an underrepresented community who is from or resides in Contra Costa or Alameda County, or is interested in practicing law in either county after graduation.

To be eligible, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Enrolled or accepted to a law school accredited by the ABA or the bar association of the state in which the school is located.
  2. From a community that is underrepresented in the practice of law.
  3. Is from or resides in Contra Costa or Alameda County or plans to practice law in either county upon graduation from law school.
  4. Demonstrates a commitment to excellence in academics.

Application Instructions:

  1. The application deadline is October 31, 2024. Applications should be submitted electronically to Penny Evans at pevans@hbzlawyers.com. Please include in the subject line, “HBZ Scholarship Application.”
  2. Please include a current resume with GPA and class rank.
  3. An essay (no more than three double-spaced pages) explaining why you qualify for the scholarship, and describing how your background and experiences will help bring a diverse perspective to your future practice area.

The scholarship award winner will be announced in the Winter of 2024.

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