Congratulations to Kevin O’Brien for his article published in The Recorder. Kevin analyzes the nuance of appeals within trusts & estates cases in the article, “In Trust Litigation, It’s Best to Take the ‘Appeal Now’ Approach.”
Many general civil litigators, at some point, will find themselves in probate court litigating a dispute among the trustees and beneficiaries of a family trust. There are some procedural issues that civil litigators must approach differently in probate court. At the top of this list is the timing and availability of the “interlocutory” appeal.
Andrew Verriere highlights Governor Newsom's recently signed AB 1194, which expands the protections for conservatees and proposed conservatees in California.
Senior Associate Dave Parnall tackles the issue of enforcing support judgments against trusts.
Owners of traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) may use a special rule to achieve substantial income tax savings while benefiting charities of their choice. They may transfer up to $100,000 from their IRAs to charitable organizations without incurring income tax on the IRA withdrawal